Missing e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll error solution for Windows

Please read the instructions carefully before you download the e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll.Take the proper steps to safely clean and repair windows errors.

1. Where should this file go? After you download e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll on your machine, paste it in directory where it missing, and also copy it to

Windows 95, 98, ME C:\Windows\System
Windows NT, 2000 C:\WinNT\System32
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 C:\Windows\System32
64-bit Windows C:\Windows\System64

If you can't find windows directory try:
a. Press and hold Windows key on your keyboard, then press button R.
b. Enter the command "cmd" and press Enter
c. In a command window enter the command "set systemroot" and press Enter. It will display system directory.
2. Go to "start" ==> "run" and type "regsvr32 e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll" to register the file to the system.

File Information
  • Namee2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll (e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dl_)
  • CategoryOperating System > dll
  • Description
  • Filenamee2_d3d8_driver_mfc.zip
  • Filesize208.63 kB
  • Filetypezip (Mime Type: application/zip)
  • Rating 4.7 / 5 , 5 rating
  • MD5: a7b8a06d6dd7f79a3fc16f80cf42977c
  • SHA1: 37330349949496d486306e654968a2e04d863fb8
  • SHA265: $5$rounds=5000$dlldownloadsyste$.wnfOublxG/1O.n14XjMf4.fUKFWzC2aXJOAA7VD2S4

Missing dll most recent download:

d3dx9_42.dll vcredist_x86.exe scph1001.bin lame_enc.dll xinput1_3.dll msvcr100.dll d3dx9_43.dll d3dx10_43.dll msvcp110.dll msvcp120.dll msvcr110.dll xlive.dll msvcr110.dll avformat-55.dll

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All possible solutions

Got computer error message like:

"e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll crash"
"bad image"
"error loading"
"e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll was not found"
"the procedure entry point e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll error"
"e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll could not be located"
"Access Violation"
"Cannot register e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll"

at startup or shutdown or run program?
No "missing dll" anymore - Repair dll errors - How to fix windows dll corrupt on your windows xp,vista,2000/2003,win7, win8,win10

  • Download and install e2_d3d8_driver_mfc.dll.
  • Download and install the latest update.
  • Install windows updates automatically/regularly, allow Windows check updates in the background.
  • Reinstall the application.